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tv   State of the Union  CNN  August 11, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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and that is your moment of zen. thanks for watching "reliable sources". i'll be chatting after the show on twitter so tweet me. by the way, if you missed anything, you can catch all of today's conversations on or go to itunes and check out our podcast. join us again next sunday at 11:00 a.m. eastern. candy crowley agains right now. she is alive and apparently physically unharmed, hannah anderson, the object of a week-long multistate search has been found. the man suspected of kidnapping her and killing her mother and brother has been shot dead in idaho. we will have the latest. also today, hard ball on the field and in the east room, the republican tight spot cornered by constituents in town hall meetings. >> in five sentences or less can we depend upon you to vote against any budget bill that includes funding for the
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implementation of obamacare. >> please do. >> pressed by the president at his bully pulpit. >> the idea that you would shut down the government unless you prevent 30 million people from getting health care is a bad idea. prelude to september's divide. if you said health if you said the health care bill they loath or shut down the government? what's a republican to do? our sunday exclusive with rnc chairman reince priebus. then -- >> given the scale of this program i understand the concerns of those who would worry that it could be subject to abuse. >> can the president satisfy critics of a spy program gathering data on every phone call in america? we'll ask one of those critics, a member of the democratic leadership, south carolina's james clyburn. plus -- >> it is probably appropriate for us to take a pause, reassess where it is that russia's going, what our core interests are. >> no date night in moscow. our political panel weighs in on this hot summer's cold shoulder. >> i think it's a disappointment
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to a lot of people, a lot of fans. >> batter up, player's out, the season of baseball's discontent. joining us the legendary mr. cub, hall of famer ernie banks and emmy award-winning filmmaker, ken burns. i'm candy crowley and this is "state of the union." first we're going live to idaho for new information about the dramatic rescue of a teenaged girl after a week-long kidnapping ordeal and manhunt. hannah anderson is safe. she spent the night in a hospital and appears to have no signature physical injuries. james dimaggio the man who killed her mother and brother is now dead. we know he was shot by an fbi tactical agent, but plenty of questions remain to be answered. we want to go to miguel marquez. first tell us what you you know about the couple of hours that
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led up to this unbelievable finish. >> reporter: unbelievable is right. we know law enforcement had the bead on them from an airplane and watched this emfor some time as helicopter agents moved in. at two hours away, they landed way out so mr. dimaggio wouldn't be the wise, hiked in 2, 12 1/2 hours up to the camp, surrounded it, waited until hannah and mr. dimaggio has separated.2 1/2 hours up to the camp, surrounded it, waited until hannah and mr. dimaggio has separated. they con fronted dimaggio and for whatever reason dispatched him. >> hannah anderson, her condition or what you know about it, is she well enough to be leaving the hospital soon? >> every indication we have is that physically she's fine. but the trauma of the last week is probably going to be with her for the rest of her life certainly. we know that she is in boise or in the boise area and we suspect she will be going back home very soon. we know her father is coming up here. we expect that to happen today. but he will probably be in the hands and care and she will be in the hands and care of the
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government for a while before they let her go and release it back to the public. >> which may mean that they don't go back to the san diego county area. do you know anything about where they go next? >> the really sad part about this is that she has two funerals to go to, the funeral of her mother and brother. i know the family is planning those out. those will be in the days ahead. probably in santee, california. the grandparents were talking about a public funeral. that may change. i know they wanted to wait until she was back in order to hold those funerals. so we're probably talking days ahead. the story is ending for us, but it is just beginning for her. >> right. a great -- sort of a great end for her father obviously and for her, but they still have loved ones to bury. so there is a real tragic story still. but nonetheless an ending that a lot of people didn't think they would see. she is alive and well. thanks so much, miguel.
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this ordeal began august 3, the day hannah anderson vanished after cheer leading practice in san diego county. the next day the bodies of her mother and brother were discoveredhe burned out you ruins of dimaggio's home. the first definite break in the case came thursday. a horse back rider reported coming across a man and teenaged girl wednesday in the wilderness n near cascade, idaho. friday searchers were pouring in to the area. e we're joined buyer ty the sheri office of public information. what can you tell us now about the condition of andrea and the next steps? >> hannah's condition as miguel told you, she is doing well physically.
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and we are looking at reports she has victims specialists with her, victim its services specialists, they have been with her nonstop. she is our first priority to make sure that she gets all of the care that she needs today and of course in the days, weeks and months ahead. because she is our top priority. we're very happy that she's safe. >> as are we all. how far were these two into the wilderness? is this a place that people sometimes go to, never go to? give us a sense of this kind of back country. >> it is exactly that, it is back country, wilderness area. it is protected to allow for that recreation in there. and so, yes, many people visit this area for that very reason, hiking, back country camping, rafting. they had camped in or hiked in about 6 to 8 back country miles into the wilderness area from the last point, from the point
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that their vehicle was found. and so this is very ruggeded terrain. not uncommon to find campers there, however certainly it was odd to officers the way the camp was set up and where it was. based on what that horse back rider had told us on wednesday after seeing that amber alert, we had every reason to believe that that was who we were looking for and that hannah was there on the ground. >> and what were the planes -- we're told the planes were kind of watching them. were they circling? what was it that they saw? >> they were able to just see from the air and see the people there, two people that appeared to match the description of dimaggio and hannah. and so we had some challenges in this search because of smoke from nearby fires that did make the visibility a challenge and so officers had to move very quickly, but also they had to work very intelligently as they tried to fly at an elevation where they could still see the
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camp, but also not solo as to tip dimaggio off to their prepares there. >> at least a happy ending in a really horrific story. thank you so much for joining us with your perspective on things. we will get next to in just a minute the story about dimaggio's apparently close relationship with hannah anderson's family. [ sneezing ] she may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec®. powerful allergy relief for adults and kids six years and older. zyrtec®. love the air.
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welcome back to state of the union with a special welcome to our viewers in the west. we're talking about the end of the week long hunt for hannah anderson. she was found and rescued yesterday. an fbi agent shot and killed the alleged kidnapper james dimaggio. i'm joined by security specialist chris voss, and with us on the phone is cnn law enforcement analyst and former fbi assistant director tom fuentes. tom, looking at the totality of what we are told happened, does anything stek out to you about this rescue and then the death of the kidnapper? >> i think given all the serkss, as bad as this is and has been
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for her and her family, it sure could -- she could have it is appeared and never been found or in his clutches for months or years. so i think the fact that at least she's been rescued, that that's very good news. >> absolutely. and chris, i think it did surprise a lot of us, i don't know if the news business turns you cynical, happy endings at least a partially happy ending in this case, are very rare. what makes it -- is it what they always talk about, the relationship with the kidnapper? >> that had a lot to do with it why he grabbed her in the first place. he clearly in his own distorted way prized her very highly, prized the relationship, was willing to go to whatever lengths he could to protect this warped and twisted relationship that he had with her. he left enough of a trail and
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phenomenal cooperation among law enforce the brought all the elements together and we had this outcome. >> the family was close with this man. single the father has said this is so out of the blue to me. and it was out of the brew to a lot of other people who knew the suspect. are there tell tale signs or can people just flip like that? >> people like there are very good at endearing themselves to others. this whatever sort of psychopathic distortion that he had, he developed an at to be very endearing, to be very nonthreatening, to develop a relationship so that everybody trusted him. he exploited their trust and used it for deadly consequences. >> tom, we know sort of very little about what went on in dimaggio's mind, but is there such a thing as a common profile for kidnappers, especially those who may or may not have -- the
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father didn't seem to know it was there. but some people suggested at the any rate that he may have had an attachment, an emotional attachment to this young woman. and obviously nobody in her family thought that was so. so is there some kind of profile of somebody like this? >> i don't know if it's a very common profile, but i think chris is absolutely right that the fact is that he treasured her in his own mind that she was so important to him, which is the reason why he took her and killed the rest of her family probably. and the reason why she's still alive. so it's an unfortunate dichotomy that he apparently in his mind loved her and at the same time that helped keep her alive. >> absolutely. so where now does this investigation go? because if you're watching this as a news story, you're thinking kidnapper dead, the kidnappee is alive and reunited with her
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father, they have horrible days ahead burying their loved ones, it seems over, but it's not. >> law enforcement has taken great strides in terms of supporting victims and wets to these crimes after the crime has been committed. so law enforcement's job doesn't end with the investigation of the crime. there's a lot of resources that will be brought to bear to try to help bring this young lady and her family back to a normal life. the entire family has been traumatized. and they will have to deal with post-traumatic stress and law enforcement, all elements, are very good at supporting them and helping them get through this team. >> probably a part of law enforcement we don't always think about. >> that's a very involved program, candy. victim witness assistance program. it'sed a ministered a men admin through the fbi and they will provide counseling and all the other services necessary to the girl, her father and others that may have been traumatized by this. >> is there a need on the part of investigators, whether the state or fbi, is there a need to
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talk to her about what went on in terms of what did he say, did you go here, what happened here? what questions do they have for her if any? >> i think they will be very cautious and gentle in that process, but trying to feebd in what occurred during the time of captivity, did someone else help him, did he act completely alone as far as she's aware. i think it will be important to talk to her, but at this point, they won't add to the trauma any more than would norm will he be necessary in an investigation. >> sounds like that can wait. tom, thank you very much. chris, thanks for being with us. >> my pleasure. when we return, the president says he'll make the national surveillance program more transparent. we'll talk to a skeptic. being active. and being with this guy. [ male announcer ] getting to know you is how we help you choose the humana medicare plan
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that works best for you. mi familia. ♪ [ male announcer ] we want to help you achieve your best health, so you can keep doing the things that are important to you. taking care of our customers. taking care of her. and the next thing on our list is bungee jumping. [ male announcer ] helping you... now that's what's important to us. there's a new way to fight litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec® love the air.
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back now to politics and who better than our four commentators. republican strategist kevin madden and stephanie cutter, radio talk show host ben ferguson and columnist errol lewis.
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rarely do we get a chance to get happy news and i want to bring you back to last friday when the president had a news conference and he sought to ease americans' doubts about the massive nsa surveillance programs and outlined the series of reforms and they include working with congress to restructuring the secret court to the declassification of some nsa activities and outside experts to review computer spy technology. i want to welcome someone else from afar and the assistant democratic leader in the house. last month he joined forces with conservative republicans in a failed effort to defund the surveillance program. congressman, first of all, thank you so much for being there. i wanted to ask you, first of all, if what the president said in any way made you feel easier or more comfortable about this program in particular the phone data that is collected on every
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american? >> first of all, thank you so much for having me, candy. yes, but i felt that way before. as you know, the president spoke out on this issue long before snowden and i was very comfortable with the president's position on this. it's just that every now and then you catch a vote in order to let your constituents know and for your colleagues to know exactly how you feel about's situation and also let the white house know that this is something that we cannot allow you to have just a blank check on. >> as far as you are concerned, can the president satisfy your concern and the concerns of your constituents in any other way other than reducing the scope of
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that phone data collecting program? oh, yes, he can. transparency is always very, very important. i think most american people want to be safe and secure in their homes and when they are carrying out their day to day activities and so we want the president to do what is necessary to keep us safe. he's got a tremendous record in that regard, and i'm very proud of that record, but all things don't start and stop at the president's desk. >> as you go down the line and as you know, we have a process in place that for some reason allow an ed snowden to exist and to get information. you want to be very, very careful in not just what the president's doing, but with all of the hired hands may be doing when they're carrying out their duties and responsibilities. >> sure. >> and also to find out whether or not these are the right
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people to have in these positions so the president can do a lot of things to make sure that these contractors, for instance, are going through a process that would allow us to know what kind of people they're hiring and to weed out these bad actors because that's what happened in this particular case. let me bring in our panel now because the question now exists, well, we need more transparency about these programs and we need more oversight, maybe put in an advocate for civil rights into a process that can argue in front of surveillance courts. so in some ways has he made edward snowden more a whistle-blower than the traitor what we were told he was when this happened. >> that's the bigger issue and he defended this program and went to bat for it, not very long ago on multiple occasions and snowden gets exactly what he
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wanted which was to be a whistleblower and not be a traitor even though he's in russia. >> there are still charges against him. >> but he's now being looked at as more than a whistle-blower. if he shouldn't have had snowden have this much influence in the white house. if the president believed in the program as i think he did or still does then he should have explained it to the american people. said this is what you need to know. i think this is a good program and i don't think one person should have that much influence. >> there's a conundrum, edward snowden has endangered our lives and then the president says we need to be more transparent. >> there's a big difference between dumping a bunch of security information out there on the internet and working with congress to make sure that everybody has the information they need to sign off on these things. there's a big difference and what the president said in his
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press conference was that he does believe in the program because it is protecting american lives and he needs to find a balance and that's what he said as a senator. >> let me get you in here. >> he has championed that before snowden. >> he's going to be stepping back, you know? he's becoming a constitutional scholar. he has the secret court and secret aggregates and i'm already happy with this, so let me throw you a crumb and see if that will work and hearing from clyburn, that won't succeed and i suspect we'll see step after step after step until he gets in to real balance which will be far beyond anything the white house wants. >> there are plenty of people in congress that have full information on this program and they said that and they've signed off on it, but as more
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and more are brought into some of the details here they'll understand there's a tradeoff between transparency -- >> congressman did, in fact, allude to that saying the american people want to be safe. it seems to me the minute you bring up safety and terrorism especially after the week we've had with all of these embassies closed that there's really no way that any of these programs are going to substantially be changed because they're too far reaching. >> well, i think, look, that's one of the interesting things about this issue is that there partisanship on capitol hill and the support doesn't fall along the traditional partisan lines that most issues -- that occurs with most issues in d.c. and they're by and large supportive of the program. and i think that he needs to
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make sustained arguments in the program. the person doing the most talking about at this point was edward snowden. and that's a problem. thank you to the panel and to congressman clyburn. when we return, some republicans are between a rock and a hard place with their constituents. we'll talk about that with reince priebus. my mantra?
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joining me is reince priebus, chairman of the republican national committee. thanks for getting up a bit early to talk to us, reince. i'm assuming you heard a little bit of the conversation that preceded you while we got your satellite working. so talk to me about the influence you think the continuation and the implementation of obamacare is going have on the 2014 elections. i don't know if you heard congressman clyburn say you're darn right democrats will campaign on it because folks like it. >> i think it's pretty clear that when you have over 30 democrats voting against the
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president on funding obamacare that the real division in any party is on the democratic side of the aisle and yet the news media wants to talk about the republicans debating a tactic as opposed to the fact that you've got the most vulnerable -- or, excuse me, the most vulnerable democrats running for senate and the house saying, hey, listen, we want to wipe our hands clean of this obamacare bill that's a total train wreck and that's their words, not ours although we would join in on that chorus, so i think it's pretty clear. i think it's the tactic that the president is using in delaying the employer's side is all about getting some democrats reelected in 2014 and i think it's very obvious that it isn't a law that people like. >> you do have the things that congressman clyburn talked about that republicans say they're for which is no lifetime limits on health care, payback from insurance companies, keeping your adult children on your health care until they're 26 and
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no such thing as pre-existing conditions. if the republicans position themselves as some senators have and certainly some congressmen have, that obamacare has to be defunded and that is not implemented and does that not put you all in a place where you have to argue why are you against these things. that's exactly what the president do. >> you're picking out three things out of a bill that lists 5,000. >> they're kind of the most important things to a lot of people. >> no, they're not. but the republicans had -- the republicans had many of those provisions in their bill. i mean, when we ran in november we were talking about pre-existing conditions, kids that were 26 on their parents' plans and this isn't some democratic exclusive or something. the fact is what people don't want are government panels deciding if something was medically necessary.
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they don't want a government panel deciding if their doctor instead of getting a quarter for every dollar or service then they'll get a nickel. people know what obamacare is. it's european, socialist style-type health care and people don't want it. the real story here is the democrats in the senate and the house, the wants who want to be reelected have turned their back on the president. that's the story not the tactics on the republican side of the aisle. people don't want this. >> nonetheless, there are divides in the democratic party, you're right. there are divides in the republican party and that's why god made horse races. so nothing wrong with that, but you are hearing some folks in the republican party saying i would rather shut the government down than to fund obamacare. politically speaking, how would
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a government shutdown play in 2014 for republicans on the ballot? >> i think all republicans are unified on one thing and that is defunding, eliminating obamacare. so we have total unanimity on that issue and the question is what are the tactics? even if you take the position of a ted cruz or mike leigh, basically what they're saying is we actually are funding 100% of the government except for the small percentage of nondiscretionary -- excuse me, discretionary funding, if you want to continue to fund this monstrosity that you've already admitted is half broken, then go ahead. the fact that it's on the republican party i just think is spin from the democratic party that you ought not be adopting. i don't know why you're adopting that spin. >> because there had been plenty of congressmen, republicans and senators and republicans saying
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this will ruin the republican party if we are seeing this, forcing a shutdown of the government. it hasn't worked for you for republicans in the past. so it isn't just democrats daring republicans to do it. it's other republicans saying no, you guys, we always lose when we do this. >> well, i mean, it's not like it happens every year. the fact of the matter is i think that the budgetary effects in the mid-'90s were positive for the republicans. i am not advocating for one tactic or the other, but what i am advocating for is to set the record straight that the republican party is unified in delaying and getting rid of obamacare and it's the democrats fighting over the overall picture of whether or not we should keep obamacare in place. the president has told the american people that obamacare right now is half broken. so how do you take taxpayer money and then fund something
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that the president has admitted is half broken. is that reasonable? we think it's not. >> as you know, they're describing that as a technical glitch. you're right. this is about the messaging going forward. i need to quickly turn you to the subject that has occupied so much of your week whether you intended to or not which is your feeling that if nbc runs a mini series based on fact about hillary clinton or that cnn which has commissioned an outside documentary on hillary clinton runs that, that they will not be eligible for any debates that you all are going to sponsor. "the new york times" is reporting that the nbc clinton series might likely be produced by fox television studios, that's sort of a sister to fox news. so if we follow your logic, do you think there is a connection to fox news and would they be subject to the same kind of scrutiny? >> first of all, i mean, our
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party has to quit availing itself to bias moderators and companies that put on television, in this particular case documentaries and mini series about a particular candidate that we all know is gearing up to run for president and that's hillary clinton and so the big question for me, candy, is number one, which company is putting it on the air. who is doing the work? i'm not interested if they're using the same caterer or whether they drink diet coke and i'm not boycotting diane lane. i am going boycott the company -- i am going to boycott the company that puts the mini series and the documentaries on the air for the american people to view. i'm not interested in whether they use the same sound studio or whether they use the same set. i don't know the truth of anything you're talking about, but i do know what's very clear is that the company that puts these things on the air to promote hillary clinton, including cnn, is the company
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that is not going to be involved in our debates. period. very simple. >> the people that write, produce and put together the shows -- >> i'm not going to boycott diane lane. listen, i'm not going to boycott diane lane. it's not her fault she decided to take the script. i'm not going boycott the food trucks -- >> the people producing and -- i think it sounds like no is the answer. >> candy, some researcher -- some researcher at cnn or nbc worked for a few days to find some little connection somewhere down the road to -- to bring something into this debate. i think it's totally ridiculous and stupid. the fact is what channel am i going to tune in to to see the documentary and the mini series that is all about promoting hillary clinton and at this point it sounds like it's going to be cnn and nbc and the fact is that they're not going to be involved in our debates. >> okay. let's have lunch and talk.
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in the meantime, thank you so much for joining us from the beautiful state of wisconsin. >> thank you. wlechb when we return, the problem with baseball. earn a ernie banks and ken burns joinin joining us next. er on the first day you take it. zyrtec® love the air. on the first day you take it. they're the days to take care of business.. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next.
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saving time by booking an appointment online, even smarter. online scheduling. available now at joining me now ernie banks and on the phone ken burns whose series tells the story of america's pas time. gentlemen, i can't thank you enough for explaining this to me. what i can't figure out given the effects of this week with the suspension of players for using performance-enhancing drugs. as we know, alexander rodriguez which is fighting his suspension. is baseball sincere about
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cleaning itself up or could they just not ignore this story that was being pursued by florida newspapers? >> well, they're very serious about this, according to bud selig, the commissioner, and the owners. they're really, really serious about this. they want to straighten the game up and make it the game it was many, many, many years ago. >> ken, is that possible? i mean nobody is -- that doesn't play baseball has studied it quite as much as you have. i want to read you something that john cass wrote in the "chicago tribune." he wrote recently a-rod didn't kill baseball and turn it into a cousin of professional wrestling all by himself. he's had help over time, over years and years when baseball got sick and turned to drugs. baseball knew it and baseball let it happen because the lords of baseball wanted to sell tickets. do you agree with that? >> not entirely. i think that's a view. there was a time in the late '90s when people were turning a blind eye, wink wink, to some of this stuff but i believe major
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league baseball woke up. i think bud has handled this exactly right. he didn't go too far. my heart tells me in the best interests of baseball to get rid of a-rod altogether but he understood that that would disrupt a partnership that has taken place over the last decade between the owners and the players in cleaning up this game. remember, it's not the trouble with baseball, this is still the third worst scandal in baseball. the second is the betting scandal. that never -- that's not happening anymore because the players make too much money. the first was the exclusion of african-americans and the presence of ernie banks tells you that was also taken care of with the advent of jackie robinson. so let's go back to now the most pressing thing. this is the good news is that they have rounded up some of the best players in the game and levied extraordinary fines and suspensions and the players are going along with this because they understand it's in the best interests of the game to have it cleaned up.
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our big worry must be just that those chemists that know how to mask these chemicals and get them out of the body and are always one step ahead of the testers, but for the last decade, i can assure you that major league baseball, which was once the worst of the professional supports in policing its own drug policy is now the very, very best and i think mlb and bud selig as commissioner have handled it just right. >> this must have pained you. >> yes, it has. >> watching this unfold. really it's been unfolding since '91 when the first bans were put in effect in the early '90s. do you believe that the players now view this differently? it seemed during sammy sosa, mark mcgwire chase of the home run record, everybody -- it was open talk that they were all on performance-enhancing drugs. that must have hurt you.
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>> it really did. it really hurt me. and these kids today, candy, i'm like a father to them. i knew alex rodriguez many years ago when he first came here. he broke my record for home runs in texas. >> do you think that's fair? if he was using performance-enhancing drugs? is it fair that he broke your record? was that a fair fight? >> well, my thing is we don't know. i don't know about the testing and all that. you know, he was accused of it, but i don't know what he was tested and proven that he was on anything. but i like him. he's like a son to me. most all of these kids, i really, really like them, enjoyed them. i know about their families, i know about their children. >> i want to ask you about the statistics. ken, i'm going to ask you the same question after i get mr. banks to talk about it. raymond daniel burke wrote in the "baltimore sun" talking about the statistics over time
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your records versus those of alex rodriguez being an example. and he said statistical comparison serves as a generational bond, and the integrity of those statistics is the adhesive that gives meaning to the experiences shared across time that are the game's narratives. is an asterisk by the name of a record breaker who has used performance-enhancing drugs enough? because that wasn't an even competition across the decades, was it? >> no, it was not. but, you know, it's just that. they want to put an asterisk on barry bonds and hank aaron and all of that. but i don't know. i don't know how they could deal with that. but me personally, these kids, they play baseball, they love the game, they play hard. they want to play a long time. >> they cheated. >> well, that's the word is that they cheated, but, you know, i haven't seen anything.
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i talked to barry bonds when he was going for the record. i've been to see him. talked to him, visited with him, went to san francisco. i've just been with him a lot. and i think a lot of him. >> hard for you to believe? >> yes, it is. >> ken, last word to you. >> well, this is the central question. you know, this is the only game in which statistics really, truly matter. only the football nerds can tell you how many yards passing tom brady has. but we all know, the whole culture knows that the central landmark of those. but if you go back to 1919, it says that the cincinnati red stockings won the world series. there was no asterisk. we know the chicago white sox, now called the black sox, threw that game to gamblers. what the statistics tell you is that they're not the whole story. we have to tell stories about those statistics. and that's the joy of this game as well, and so we still have to sit our grandchildren on our knees and talk to that steroid era and the ped era and other things. but the good news out of all
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this, the good news is that despite the fact that it must be difficult for ernie to watch a home run record fall when he knows something fishy is going on, basically balls went out of the park a little more frequently in that case, but the great records, the 56 consecutive games, the hitting .406 by ted williams in '41 and joe dimaggio's 56-game hitting streak also in '41, pitchers winning 25 or 30, 35 games, all of which could have been possible, didn't. so a .300 hitter means the same thing to my four daughters as it does to me as it did to my great great grandfather who fought in the civil war. >> that's that generational thing we were talking about. >> it's still there. >> ken burns, ernie banks, thank you. >> you you can go to to more with her any banks including how many baseballs he thinks he's signed. we'll be right back.
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